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The Experience-Led Organisation Whitepaper

A New Paradigm For Digital Effectiveness 

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Today’s digital world is fundamentally and radically different, and changing at pace. To succeed, organisations are under enormous pressure to think and act differently at all levels, but this requires an escape from the gravitational pull of legacy thinking.

What is needed is a new operating paradigm, where traditional ‘givens’ of structures and practices are integrated as a whole across business and technology, and continuously re-invented to improve effectiveness and drive better outcomes for customers.  This strategic and systematic focus on value creation we call, the Experience-Led Organisation.

In our new white paper, we discuss why so many of the transformation initiatives underway today are well-intentioned but likely to fail, why product-oriented initiatives are too narrow, and introduce the solution – the Experience-Led Organisation. By thinking differently you can take the first steps towards a new way of operating which boosts efficiency, supercharges service and drives value. 

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In this whitepaper, we'll discuss:

  • Why customer experience transformation initiatives fail
  • Developer Experience - the new Customer Experience
  • Driving a holistic model of experience
  • Why things can be different this time
  • Services and why they matter
  • The importance of value streams
  • The Experience-Led Organisation
  • How you can get there

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